
flying over the ocean
24 June 2010 at 5:47 pm

It's 6 pm. I'm watching the Iron Chef. I should probably be studying, but I'll get to it later.

Clint is at the gym. He'll probably be home in an hour.

This week has gone by super fast; probably because I'm actually staying busy. I started flying lessons on Monday and have been spending a couple hours a day flying and/ or doing ground lessons. I'm working with 3 different instructors due to full schedules and my desire (necessity) to finish this up as soon as possible.

Can I just brag for a second about how badass it is to fly in this part of the country?? Arkansas is beautiful (well, the Ozark Mountains are beautiful), but there is nothing as cool as flying over the ocean. It's mesmerizing and gorgeous and really reminds my why I started flying in the first place.

I've been taking lessons for over 2 years now. I should have gotten my license a long time ago, but going to school full time made it hard. Now I'm trying to get everything done in the next couple of weeks. It's a bit ambitious, but if I don't get it by mid-July I'll have to retake the written exam which is a bitch.

I like all my instructors and the company I'm flying with is way legit, so I'm confident I'll get great training.

It's nice having things to do during the day... I was starting to make up errands to run to keep me busy. Though these half-days are a pretty sweet deal...

I like being home by the time Clint gets home from work. I like having the house tidied and the bed made and I would like to have dinner started but unfortunately I can't really cook.

I'm working on that, though.

Clint and I have a huge garden in the back yard and I am SO excited about it. We're growing watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, all sorts of peppers, onion, cilantro, corn, and squash. And "his Mexican" planted a row of fruit trees so we'll also be growing green apples, pears, pomegranates, nectarines, and plums. Mmmm.

As far as Clint and I go, things have continued to be great. One night we got drunk and my past came up again. It wasn't a fun conversation, but it was better than those we've had on the phone. It's a difficult conversation to have with him, and I feel like I have to censor myself a bit, but it's getting better. I ended up writing him a long letter after that, but he hasn't read it yet. He knows about it, so I don't know if I should remind him or let him ask me for it.

Anyway. Besides that little issue, things are wonderful. I absolutely love him. I've never felt so great about being with someone. He's an amazing boyfriend and a great person in general. I'm very happy.

We haven't gone out at all since I've been here. PB is just really far away and neither of us have really desired going out, spending a bunch of money, and getting wasted, only to have to crash on a friend's couch. We're just kind of over the partying scene. We're going to try this weekend anyway though. It'll be good to see all his friends.

That's all I have on my mind at the moment. I'll try to keep up with this more often.

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