
quick update
12 June 2010 at 10:51 am

I've been living with Clint for over a week now and things couldn't be better. I really hope it continues to be as good as this. I realize we're probably in a bit of a honeymoon period and there will inevitably be some stressors, especially, perhaps, as I start looking for a job. But I really can't see it getting bad, ever. We may still have fights that I hate so much, especially if we go out drinking, but they have been fewer and further between as time has gone on. Either way, I am committed to this relationship so I'll do what it takes to make it work. If it starts getting bad for whatever reason, I'll end it. Hopefully that won't happen though.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Clint is out golfing with some friends. I'd like to go with him eventually, and he's really excited for me to join them, but I haven't played golf since I was like 10 so I need to hit the driving range a few times first.

This afternoon we're joining Clint's super pro 2nd amendment friend and his wife to a shooting range to try our hand at the whole gun thing. I'm excited! I've never been interested in it, really, but I think it'd be a good thing to learn how to do. I at least don't want guns to scare me...

Anyway, they should be back any minute now so I'm going to get off. Although there's nothing damning in this diary, the last thing I want is another diary-centered conflict, which is always what a diary discovery leads to. bleh.

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