
weekend in sd, weekend of formal
06 February 2010 at 4:07 pm

Tonight is my school's Winter Formal. I'm still not sure if I'm going or not. Girl Talk was going to perform but his flight got canceled due to the insane snow they're having in the Mid West so now he won't be there to perform.

I'm still going to get dressed up because I'm at least going to dinner with Kristen, her friend, Lauren, her boyfriend, and Caelan.

I don't want to go because I'd be going solo which would be fine in any other situation, but at formal it's gonna be a lot of couples.. and dancing.. and my boyfriend is over 1000 miles away and I'm not in the dancing mood, especially if it involves me and another guy.

I do want to go, however, because I'll have a lot of good friends there, there will be a bar so I won't have to dance, perhaps, and it'll be a nice change of scenery. I can party on campus every other weekend, ya know?

Either way, I have a lot to do tomorrow before the Super Bowl, so I can't be in my hungover death bed till 5 pm or anything.


I haven't even talked about my weekend with Clint. In short, it was wonderful.

I almost didn't make it out there... There was a horrible snow and ice storm so my flight out Friday night got canceled. They told me another flight was scheduled to leave in 3 hours in a town 2 hours away so I drove there, which was a pretty bad idea... It was snowy, icy, and dangerous. I actually slid off the road at one point and needed assistance. It was stupid. And what was usually a 2 hour drive turned into a 3.5 + hour drive. And that flight ended up getting canceled. They put me on one in the morning and I checked into a hotel, wondering if I'd just be snowed in in bumfuck AR for the weekend. My concerns were heightened when the 6 am flight also got canceled, but they which was also canceled, but they put me on a 9 am flight and it ended up working out, finally!

I got there at 1 pm Saturday, rather than 11 pm Friday, but we were both thrilled I got there at all. I missed the wedding, but I made it in time for the reception. There were no problems with the bride and I. She may not have been thrilled if I had been at the wedding, but when she did see me she was all happy and married, so she was very nice to me, which made me happy.

We got a room at the hotel the wedding was in and it was beautiful. And it was 60+ degrees and sunny, so after my whole winter storm ordeal it was heavenly.

Unfortunately he got sick the next day so I spent the next 2 nights taking care of him. We just relaxed and watched movies and loved each other. I ended up staying until Tuesday morning (not Monday morning like originally planned) so the trip wouldn't be a waste.

I was a bit nervous, thinking it'd be this big make-or-break trip, but by that point we were doing really well.

We're finally official and exclusive. It took a long time to get here, haha, and thank god he kept trying or else he would have given up long ago. Considering that girls are usually fawning all over him and wanting to marry him, I was a very tough one to convince. But he did it, and I couldn't be happier. I mean I always knew we had something extremely special, but so many other factors made me unsure.

I still worry at times, but I know that he would never do anything to hurt me. He's so honest, so genuine, so caring, so thoughtful...

God, it's just really good.

I miss him like crazy. The distance is hard. But in a way, it works. For a new relationship, at least... We're getting to know each other but we aren't spending every waking hour with each other, which could easily turn both of us off. It keeps it exciting, fresh, and when we finally do get to be together it's the most special thing ever. And when we aren't together, I focus on my gobs of school work and my thesis and my social life and enjoying my last semester of college, while he focuses on working, making money, and working out. And we both know that if we were living in the same city we'd both be slacking majorly on all fronts.

But I'm going to have to move to San Diego if we decide to continue this relationship.

AHHH that thought makes me so happy! Scared, intimidated, nervous, but happy.

I really think this could work.

On that note, I should go do my makeup.

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