
on finishing my senior thesis!!
11 March 2010 at 11:17 pm

It's 11 pm and I just woke up from a 6 hour nap. And I'm about to go back for some more.

I was up all night finishing my senior thesis. I handed it in at 4 today and I AM DONE.

I'm fucking exhausted. I've also had two midterms this week. Studying them was put on the back burner but miraculously I think I survived.

Steve remembered absolutely nothing about events from the other night, as I suspected. (His obviously drunken state and tendency to black out made me assume such.) I gave him a hard time about it (without giving him any embarrassing details) but mostly it was not an issue.

Thank god, too, cause he ended up editing most of my thesis for me. The whole thing ended up being 52 pages I think so that's not an easy task!

I'll try to find time to write more later. I need more sleep. But I'm so happy! This last sleep was interrupted by Clint calling and I was so confused but after I realized what was going on I got really happy all over again.

I have no idea how the thesis went. By the end of it I was just ready to be done and not really even thinking. Oh well. Hopefully it makes sense.

Tomorrow I have two classes to go to and I have Big Buddy and I have to clean my tornado-wrecked room and pack and then I'll go to LR, spend the night with my grandparents, and go to the airport bring at early to see CLINTONHOWH)@JLJS LDO!!!


Having that as the end result to this week has kept me sane. He's been so helpful and supportive and sweet ahhh and I miss him like crazy.

More later though. Sleep now.

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