
san fran
29 September 2010 at 9:59 am

So things have been going very well lately, which I suppose is why I haven't had a lot of updates. That, and I've been pretty busy. Flying and studying for flying is taking up a lot of time. I can't wait for it to be done with -- only a couple more weeks is what I'm hoping. I'm SO close to taking my test, but wrapping everything up is taking longer than expected.

I'm about to go on a nice vacation for a few days, though, so that will be a much needed break from the entire thing. Hopefully I'll come back feeling rejuvenated.

Clint's birthday was in August so I'm taking him to San Francisco for three nights. My aunt and uncle are paying for our hotel (which looks soo nice!) for a late graduation gift, which is awesome. We have no idea what we're going to do, but we're excited! I can't wait to go on a trip with him. It'll be a first for just the two of us. My mom said the first trip she took with my dad was to San Francisco, which is an interesting coincidence, but really special to me.

Speaking of my mom, she's still dealing with the divorce and it's definitely not easy. I feel terrible for her. (Have I even mentioned this? She and my step dad are getting a divorce. After a couple years of it just not working anymore she decided to go forward with it.) I'd love to visit home for a weekend sometime soon, but I'm not sure if that will work out or not. Either way, Clint and I will be going home around Christmas time so I'll see everyone then.

Anyway, our trip to SF begins in a matter of hours so I need to get things ready!

I'll try to update when I get back.

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