
16 November 2010 at 5:40 pm

I got the job!

460 people applied, about 200 were interviewed, and I was one of 4 chosen for the internship.

I'm honestly not sure why I stood out more than anybody else, but it's a pretty awesome feeling.

They had me start the day after I interviewed, so I barely had time to process the news, but it's been going as smoothly as possible.

I love my coworkers, I love the company, I love the atmosphere. I love the fact that the CEO and the COO, who are both worth multi-multi-millions, has had a big part of training us. I love the fact that it's already a huge company but it's really starting to get going, so I'll be in on the growth really early. I love the fact that they say they promote a work hard/ play hard environment and really mean it.

One of the interns already dropped out, citing that she didn't think it'd be a good fit for her. I wouldn't disagree. And anyway, it only makes me look better.

I think this internship will really bring out my competitive side, which I like. I'm excited about getting started and seeing what I can do for them and also how I'll be able to come into my own in a new, professional way.

Anyway, that's all for now. Feeling slightly uninspired at the moment.

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